REINFORCE is conceived to develop and demonstrate an integral set of innovative solutions to streamline the whole EoL batteries value chain from EV and stationary applications, fulfilling the Battery Directive requirements before the future significant increase of the EoL batteries and enabling the 2nd life of batteries in a circular economy in a standardised, efficient, and cost-competitive way. Thus, the ground-breaking novelty of the project will be demonstrated, validating the logistics, processing and management solutions in a living lab environment closed to expected performance (TRL6). Through these innovative concepts, REINFORCE aims to create a wide knowledge portfolio with the involvement of main stakeholders and end-users of different sectors to maximize the impact of the project, as well as towards the future commercialization of the project’s solutions. Therefore, the development of the project relies on a methodology structured around four main pillars:
1- Standardised collection and reversed logistics of EoL batteries,
2- Full assessment and discharging of EoL batteries,
3- Automated, safe and efficient disassembly
4- Demonstration,
and supported by two main floors:
FLOOR 1 – Sustainability assessment, environmental and socio-economic approach,
FLOOR 2 – Standardisation, circular business modelling and upscaling approach,
leading to the consecution of project’s objectives to enable a clear pathway towards the creation of business models revolving around the consolidation of a new sustainable circular value chain for reuse, repurposing for 2nd (and 3rd life) and recycling of EoL batteries.